full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Sara-Jane Dunn: The next software revolution programming biological cells

Unscramble the Blue Letters

But over the last decade or so, figuring out how to change cell fate, it's still a process of trial and error. Even in cases where we've uncovered successful experimental protocols, they're still ineincffeit, and we lack a fundamental understanding of how and why they work. If you figured out how to change a stem cell into a heart cell, that hasn't got any way of tiellng you how to change a stem cell into a brain cell. So we wtnead to understand the blioiocagl porgarm running inside an embryonic stem cell, and understanding the cattuoipmon performed by a living system starts with asking a dseialgvttnay simple question: What is it that system actually has to do?

Open Cloze

But over the last decade or so, figuring out how to change cell fate, it's still a process of trial and error. Even in cases where we've uncovered successful experimental protocols, they're still ___________, and we lack a fundamental understanding of how and why they work. If you figured out how to change a stem cell into a heart cell, that hasn't got any way of _______ you how to change a stem cell into a brain cell. So we ______ to understand the __________ _______ running inside an embryonic stem cell, and understanding the ___________ performed by a living system starts with asking a _____________ simple question: What is it that system actually has to do?


  1. wanted
  2. devastatingly
  3. biological
  4. telling
  5. inefficient
  6. program
  7. computation

Original Text

But over the last decade or so, figuring out how to change cell fate, it's still a process of trial and error. Even in cases where we've uncovered successful experimental protocols, they're still inefficient, and we lack a fundamental understanding of how and why they work. If you figured out how to change a stem cell into a heart cell, that hasn't got any way of telling you how to change a stem cell into a brain cell. So we wanted to understand the biological program running inside an embryonic stem cell, and understanding the computation performed by a living system starts with asking a devastatingly simple question: What is it that system actually has to do?

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
living software 5
stem cell 5
program running 4
embryonic stem 4
naïve state 4
software revolution 3
programming biology 3
biological program 3
material called 2
imagine programmable 2
synthetic circuits 2
living systems 2
understand biological 2
computer science 2
cell type 2
mathematical expression 2
genetic interactions 2
genetic program 2
stem cells 2
biological computation 2
biological function 2
solar cells 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
biological program running 2
embryonic stem cells 2

Important Words

  1. biological
  2. brain
  3. cases
  4. cell
  5. change
  6. computation
  7. decade
  8. devastatingly
  9. embryonic
  10. error
  11. experimental
  12. fate
  13. figured
  14. figuring
  15. fundamental
  16. heart
  17. inefficient
  18. lack
  19. living
  20. performed
  21. process
  22. program
  23. protocols
  24. running
  25. simple
  26. starts
  27. stem
  28. successful
  29. system
  30. telling
  31. trial
  32. uncovered
  33. understand
  34. understanding
  35. wanted
  36. work